Please Dont Be Vulnerable To Drugs!!
The reports of 2018 estimate global drug consumption by 269 million people and 35 million people suffering from drug use disorders by the UNODC. Reefer, Harry, ecstasy, crystal meth, Charlie, alcohol, caffeine…… the names are not new for the millennials, Gen z’s, and their ancestors. Since the dawn of the history of man has found ways to relieve the daily grind of life.From Mesopotamian civilization to the cults of Dionysus, Demeter in ancient Greece who extracted mead to induce, ‘mysteries’ in life accelerated by world trade in the transfer of the substances across the map resonating cultural acceptance amidst racism and inequality.
What led to this vulnerability?? Rising unemployment, reduced opportunities caused by the pandemic, peer pressure, and rigid social norms disproportionately affect the vulnerable and marginalized groups -adolescents, youth, women, and the poor who end up paying the price through their lives to the world drug problem.
Seeing through the eyes of the vulnerable looks reasonable and essential. Instead of slandering them as addicts who need rehab, is like touring the dockyard when the ship has already sailed. We also hail responsibility as we failed as humans ( humanity) to listen to one another, focused on enjoying and reaching our goals within the time constraint. Have we ever have spent time to share and care when they cried, ‘I spent the rest of the day and most of the night thinking about all the hundreds of people I had met in rehabs and sober living houses and on the streets. We were all medicating our fears and our pain!
As consequences of addiction become harder and harder to ignore, the initial relief provided by substance abuse turns into emotional pain Often the first response of the addicts is to escalate their drug as an escape from pain but in the course of time never a successful strategy leading to personal, social and emotional crisis.
The biggest misconception about the cycle of addiction is the concept of ‘hitting rock bottom’ While it never exists there is no cataclysm of event powerful to make him immune, once into it he stays until he gets a delusion of clarity and either embarks on a spell of abstinence or the uncontrollable self takes toll over him.
Realising the individual the need and will to change, exploring holistic options like rehabilitation and counseling learning healthy ways to cope with the stress commit and challenge oneself are things are healthy ways to deal with it.
Instead of remaining mute puppets, when you encounter peddlers, abuses or addicts report it to the authorities so legal action can be taken its our responsibility
The thin but evident line between therapeutics and vulnerability and abuse needs to be addressed at the moment before our loved ones fall prey for it.
We blame God for the problems that we create as people, We got a choice between life and death and we choose the needle. Remember, in the end, we live in our own world to conquer and soar but we are just star dust aboard…!!!